This event will feature special guest, Neal Hall, M.D., A US – based ophthalmologist and multiple award-winning international poet. Dr. Neal Hall has traveled across the globe bringing his message of fairness; justice and equality to people across the world. His four books of poetry have been translated into numerous languages. Seeing is believing! Come and listen to and interact with this poetic prophet of the 21st century!
The event will also feature African Stages’ youth group who will use dramatized storytelling, drumming and dancing to herald messages of solidary and inclusion. This performance is directed by BC-based, award-winning teacher, writer, and storyteller, Comfort Adesuwa Ero.
Event’s Schedule
Events: Special guest, Dr. Neal Hall’s poetry rendition
African Stages’ Story-Powering our youth opening
Date: Thursday, February 23rd, 2017
Time: 5pm
Place: Centre Stage, Surrey City Hall, 13436 104 Ave., Surrey BC V3T 4B8
Entry by minimum donation of $10
The Story-Powering our Youth (SPOY) is a combination of different ethnic performing arts and modern theatre which the process of rehearsal will help the youths with self-exploration of their abilities, gaining self-esteem while performing on the stage, and experiencing peer-support during dance and drumming practices and team-work for theatre. The process is put together by Comfort Ero, the founder of African Stages Association of BC.
Comfort Ero, the former high school principal from Nigeria with Master Degree in Education, and Narges Sonya Govahi, the former high school drama instructor from Iran with Master Degree in Dramatic Literature, are the instructors of SPOY with more than 50 years (put together) experience in theatre and working with youth and education. They are perfect match for delivering a life changing workshop for youth in British Columbia.
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